Lacton Chemical Industrial

Lacton Chemical Industrial

Lacton Chemical Industrial

Form of fragrance

  • Water soluble fragrance
  • Oil soluble fragrance
  • Emulsified fragrance
  • Powder fragrance
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High quality products

  1. Since our company's foundation, our quality policy carries these elements?: ≪ safety - security - a rapid service and ease ≫.
  2. Our employees are as one, and aim at the maintenance of the product quality and improvement.
  3. Manufactured products that have passed production controls according to the food additives GMP (Good manufacturing practice), are shipped after being verified by a numerous quality checks such as physical properties and appealing tests.
  4. In order to perform consistent quality maintenance, a quality control of the use of raw material, according to company standards and law compatible, happens during the study process.
  5. Also, during the manufacturing process, acceptance of raw materials suffers a leveled inspection. The introduction of analytical equipment such as GC-MS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry), allows us to conduct a more detailed check of raw materials and products.
